Where are the miles going?
Take a peek at where your miles are going!

First of all, a big Thank You to everyone who has generously donated their miles to help The Latitude Project. We wanted to give you an update of how the miles have been used so far. 


80,000 miles - a round trip flight for both Alanna and Jennifer Tynan, co-presidents of The Latitude Project. These miles flew the two to San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, where they are undertaking 2 of The Latitude Projects current projects

40,000 miles - 1 round trip flight for The Latitude Project photographer, Tyler. Tyler is documenting the work Latitude is doing in rural Nicaragua, allowing our donors back home to see where their dollars are going. His photos will also be auctioned to help raise more money and awareness for The Latitude Project. 


Again, Latitude would not be able to operate with zero overhead without the generous contributions of Aeroplan Miles. Thank you!  To follow our journey to reroof houses in rural Nicaragua, please visit our website


Paz y un abrazo!

Posted by: The Latitude Project on January 30, 2013.
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