How your donated Aeroplan Points have aided GlobalMedic’s response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

On February 24, 2022, the Russian military invaded Ukraine, launching the country into active conflict and displacing millions both internally and as refugees. This has been the fastest-growing refugee crisis since World War II. As violent attacks continue, an estimated 7.4 million Ukrainians across the nation have fled to neighbouring countries in search of safety and support. In response to this humanitarian emergency, GlobalMedic immediately began mobilizing both through our partners in Ukraine as well as through the deployment of members of our Rapid Response Team (RRT) to launch operations in Moldova and Romania.

Working with local partners, the RRT has been developing and implementing programming aimed at supporting Ukrainian refugees, host families and internally displaced people. In Romania, the RRT has been providing items to churches and refugee centers, such as mattresses, food, hygiene items, and cleaning supplies. The RRT has also set up a food kit packing and distribution program to support Ukrainian refugees, Ukrainian IDPs and Romanian host families. In Moldova, the RRT Team has provided much needed assistance through the distribution of aid, such as water, baby formula, sanitizer and hygiene products to hospitals, churches and refugee centers. This includes assembling and distributing over 39,000 food kits containing locally procured culturally appropriate staple foods, including rice, beans, pasta, potatoes and cabbage, which are then distributed to Ukrainian refugees and host families. We have also established a hot meal programs in local restaurants in Lviv and Odesa, serving over 6,900 free hot meals to Ukrainians who were arriving in or passing through the cities. This project contracts a local restaurant to provide hot and fresh meals, with a rotating menu to ensure variety in taste and nutrition. 

Back in Canada, dedicated GlobalMedic volunteers have been working to pack Emergency Food Kits containing a mixture of culturally appropriate pantry staples. These kits also contain additional essential items like solar lights. With the help of our volunteers, we have been able to pack and distribute over 41,300 Emergency Food Kits, 3,150 Family Emergency Kits, hygiene items, medical supplies, fire gear, and other necessary aid to those in need.

Thanks to your support and donated Aeroplan points we have been able to fly and accommodate our Rapid Response Team members in Romania and Moldova, making their work on the ground possible. All of the money that we save on these costs is carefully allocated to our essential programming. This includes specialized materials such as water purification equipment, emergency food, key infrastructure, and hygiene products. Without these materials, GlobalMedic could not have the life-saving impact that it does. Thanks to your ongoing support, GlobalMedic is able to continue doing what it does best, serving our global community.

Please visit for more details on our programs, and to learn how to get involved with our response teams. 

Posted by: DMGF - GlobalMedic on September 9, 2022.
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