Advancing Equality through Human Rights Education in Tanzania

Equitas promotes respect for human rights and gender equality around the world through a specific project dedicated to gender equality, Advancing Equality through Human Rights Education.

Through this project, Equitas works in partnership with local organizations in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Haiti, Senegal and Tanzania to contribute to the empowerment of women and girls by providing them with the tools and knowledge to promote gender equality in their communities. 

Discrimination and violence against women and girls are widespread, deep-rooted, and prevalent around the world. But as Aginatha Rutazaa, Managing Director of our partner organization TUSONGE says:

Human rights education in this context is a real catalyst, when this education is given to the communities and particularly to women and girls, it can create a lot of transformation in terms of their understanding and awareness which can contribute to promote their rights.

Watch this video to learn more about Equitas work with local partners in Tanzania to support women’s empowerment and advance gender equality!

Posted by: Equitas Centre For Human Rights Education on September 16, 2021.
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