Calgary Chapter to Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan
Creation date: April 19, 2012
Thanks to our supporters
As of August 2021, Afghanistan became the only country in the world to ban women and girls from receiving an education. Working in partnership with Afghan women, Right to Learn Afghanistan has adapted programs to offer free virtual courses to connect thousands of Afghan women and girls with quality education. Our programs transform lives, promote gender equality, and uphold the right to learn.
Our dedicated and skilled team of staff in Canada and internationally manage our programs in seven key areas: (1) Investing in Basic Education; (2) Community & Family Literacy; (3) Technology for Education; (4) Grants & Scholarships; (5) Public Engagement; (6) Advocacy; and (7) Safe Harbour: Protecting the Right to Education through Resettlement.
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As of August 2021, Afghanistan became the only country in the world to ban women and girls from receiving an education. Working in partnership with Afghan women, Right to Learn Afghanistan has adapted programs to offer free virtual courses to connect thousands of Afghan women and girls with quality education. Our programs transform lives, promote gender equality, and uphold the right to learn.
Our dedicated and skilled team of staff in Canada and internationally manage our programs in seven key areas: (1) Investing in Basic Education; (2) Community & Family Literacy; (3) Technology for Education; (4) Grants & Scholarships; (5) Public Engagement; (6) Advocacy; and (7) Safe Harbour: Protecting the Right to Education through Resettlement.
Learn more about our work at
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Quality education
Since our founding, Right to Learn Afghanistan (formerly Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan) has contributed to women’s empowerment through a variety of sectors including education, healthcare, rights awareness, and economic development. Over the years, the evidence emerged that education was the most strategically important area in which we could invest, where funds raised could travel the furthest and leave an impact in present and future generations. Access to quality education contributes to every other social, economic, and political development objective of Afghanistan. We therefore have gradually streamlined our activities to come within the thematic area of education, with the goal of helping to build Afghanistan’s human capital. Afghanistan is the only country in the world that bans secondary education for girls. This is an astounding violation of fundamental human rights and a complete outlier against global trends. It’s also a very efficient way to plunge a country into extreme poverty and underdevelopment. Right to Learn Afghanistan empowers Afghan women and girls by delivering and providing access to quality education programs. We also recognize the link between quality education and peace building, and believe that a literate population with access to viable education and economic opportunities will be Afghanistan’s greatest stabilizing force and its best hope for a lasting peace.
News and updates
Op-Ed by CW4WAfghan Executive Director, Dr. Lauryn OatesPublished in Ottawa Citizen, February 6, 2023The people of Afghanistan are suffering under the twin crises of a dire humanitarian emergency and an almost unrivalled human rights tragedy, both caused indisputably by the disastrous rule of the...
Read moreThe Taliban has doubled down its grip on the Afghan educational system with devastating and far reaching consequences.On 20 December, the Taliban officially announced that women are banned from attending public and private universities, effective immediately. Tens of thousands of women across...
Read moreVisit our News page on our website for the latest stories about the work we are doing to deliver programs that promote and protect the human right to education.
Read moreWith the recent announcement that all US troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, amidst a peace process that is breaking down, many uncertainties lie ahead, and the sense of anxiety and concern among Afghans, and those who care about the future of Afghanistan are...
Read moreJoin us raising awareness and calling for action from the international community in protecting the rights of Afghan women and bringing about a true ceasefire in Afghanistan. Together, we will stand in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan and send a strong message that Canadians care about...
Read moreThanks to our supporters